CMS Turned a Big Profit
For the first time ever, CMS clearly turned a profit in PY 2017 to the tune of about $314 million. A lot of time is spent discussing the total “gain” from the program, which is usually cited as the gain generated by successful ACOs. This measure excludes ACOs with higher costs than their benchmark. What matters to CMS is the total aggregate expenditure relative to the total aggregate benchmark, less the amount shared with ACOs.
It's worth noting that the CMS Office of the Actuary estimates that this simple approach understates the true impact of the program by as much as 60% due to spillover effect on non-assigned beneficiaries.
ACOs Performed About the Same On Average
Despite the dramatic increase in success rate and improvement to the CMS bottom line, ACOs themselves actually performed about the same in terms of generating revenue. Total shared savings was $781m in PY 2017, or $86.82 per beneficiary, which was actually a slight decrease from PY 2016. The decline was due to a decrease in shared savings per beneficiary attributable to successful ACOs, meaning ACOs who exceeded their MSR did so by less (and a lower percentage of the total gain was shared by CMS as well, although this had less of an impact). These factors were off-set by the significant increase in the number of successful ACOs.
Older ACOs Continue to Perform Better
Feel free to reach out if you have questions about the data or want to discuss any ACO-related valuation issues.